About membership
Western Australia for a Human Rights Act (WA4HRA) is a strong alliance of organisations and individuals campaigning to ensure that the human rights of Western Australians are protected by law.
Becoming a member of WA4HRA is a small action with a very big impact.
By adding your voice and your influence to our movement, you will be publicly signalling your commitment to equality, dignity and justice for all Western Australians.
You will be joining a coalition of highly respected community service organisations, peak bodies and individuals dedicated to protecting some of the most vulnerable people in our state.
Who can become a member of WA4HRA?
Any organisation can apply to become a Coalition Member. All applications will be considered by our Steering Committee before approval.
How do I become a member of WA4HRA?
If your organisation wants to apply to be a member of the WA4HRA coalition, please fill in our Membership Agreement and send it to us at [email protected]. More information about membership is also set out in our Membership Factsheet.
How can I support WA4HRA as an individual?
If you are interested in supporting the WA4HRA campaign as an individual, you can join our mailing list by signing up here and we will keep you updated about campaign projects, events and activities. If you are interested in getting involved by joining our Steering Committee or one of our Working Groups please email us at [email protected]
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